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TPD Compliance

The tobacco and related products regulations 2016 was an initiative introduced by the UK government set a guidance for e cigarette products sold in the UK, this directive is commonly known as TPD compliance and is a mandatory set of rules that UK vendors are required to follow. 

The TPD initiative was enforced in May 2017, the key points from this regulation are summarized below:

  • E Cigarette tanks/pods are restricted to a capacity of 2ML
  • The maximum volume of nicotine containing e liquid in one container is 10ML
  • E liquid nicotine strength cannot exceed 20mg per ML
  • Nicotine containing e liquid bottles must be child-resistant and tamper evident
  • Certain ingredients including colourings, caffeine and taurine are banned
  • New labelling requirements and warnings must be clear on all packaging
  • All e-cigarettes and e-liquids must be notified and published by the MHRA before they are available to purchase. 

It is important to verify any seller of e cigarettes that you intend to purchase from to ensure that their products have gone through the mandatory rigorous testing, this is will result in a safe and responsible vaping experience. All products here at Fogfathers are TPD compliant and are purchased from official distributors or direct from the manufacturer. 

There is sizeable amount of black market products available through unofficial means which are not only unregulated but can also be untested, these should be strictly avoided as they can contain harmful ingredients and/or also pose a safety risk with regards to the batteries used. 

More information regarding the TPD regulations regarding e cigarette products can be found HERE.

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